Creating a scratch contest with coupons

This video shows, in 10 steps, how to create a scratch & win contest where the winners get a coupon that can be seucrely verified using the vidiCoupons smartphone app (See the Using Coupons page for more details)


  1. Drag the Scratch & Win icon onto your AR image.
  2. Upload the lost & win image that will appear when a player loose or win. You can optionnally specify a top image that will be the image the user is going to scratch.
  3. Specify the chances to win and the maximum number of prizes available for this contest and then validate.
  4. Two new scenes will be created to the right of the current scene (the one with a white border around it). The first one is the scene that will be displayed when the user wins, the other one when the user looses.
  5. Adjust the position of the scratch in the three scenes so that they match your scene (in the example we want it to be exactly where the coffee cup is).
  6. Open the winning scene, remove the winning image of the scratch & win.
  7. Drag the Coupon icon onto your winning scene.
  8. Customize the visual appearance of your coupon to suit your needs.
  9. Click on the Save and Quit button on top right of the window.
  10. Your AR content is ready!